Saturday, December 27, 2008

A New You

I thought I would share something I wrote for our church bulletin for the New Years edition. 


        And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

        I love the new year—it represents a new beginning.  Old things are done.  Whatever happened be it good or bad in the past year is over.  We can look forward with renewed hope. 

        We all have areas in our lives we would like to change—speaking kinder to those we encounter, being more diligent in working towards our goals, praying more, losing weight, finally breaking the chains of addiction, , keeping our room cleaner, being more generous in our giving, being the mom, dad, husband, wife, daughter, son, employee, etc., that I should be …  This list goes on and on.

        One of the biggest lessons in the Old Testament is God’s faithfulness and mercy.  Time after time, the children of Israel disobeyed, openly rebelled, turned away to serve other gods, and just rejected the Almighty God.  Yet, for every time they failed and then repented, He showed them mercy and accepted them back.  Not only accepted them, but went to great means to avenge any wrongs done them.  The heartaches, battles lost, and sorrow were exchanged for great things—great victories, great blessings.

        It is no different for us today.  Bad things happen, some of our own doing, some just a consequence of life.  But each new year allows us to step back, refocus and start again. 

        This fresh start usually involves some repentance.  There is nothing more refreshing than a clean house.  A couple years ago, we purchased a new sofa for our living room.  Before it was delivered, I not only wanted to sweep the wood floors, but vacuum and mop and polish them.  Much to my dismay, that was the time our family became sick and I was unable to do this.  I could not rest on the new sofa, though, until I knew the floor was spotless underneath it.  The same is true in our lives.  The old grudges, sins, weights, failings—time to get rid of them.  We can not really move forward with the “new man” until the old has been thoroughly cleaned.

        So what are your dreams, goals, desires?  Do they include drawing closer to God?  Maybe it is time for a total recommitment.  Possibly you have never repented or been baptized in Jesus Name or have you neglected to receive the Holy Ghost - the Spirit that brings the new life?  Whatever your situation, there is no time like today to start again.  Time to make all things new.





At 2:23 AM, Blogger Linus said...

Mom, really, four months with no blogging...


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