Sunday, June 21, 2009

First Steps

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Those two adages being accurate - I decided to post to my blog. As you can see from my last post - it is about time. I have lots of thoughts and ideas - but getting them down here - well that is another story.

Oh, I have good reasons! Okay, excuses. But, alas, they are just that, excuses. Basically, it has not been a priority.

So what has been happening in my life? Well - basically, I returned to work as a nurse. December 29 of last year, I started working in home care again. I absolutely LOVE my job - but... isn't there always a but? Well, mine is that the job is full time and it seems that is all I do.

I know it is a matter of time management and not procrastinating. Just haven't got it mastered yet. In my dreams, I am organized, don't procrastinate.... oh, yeah, skinny, a great singer, and, and.... Yet, I am still me. And I have not fully aclimated to the new (6 months is still new, right?)schedule and become self-disciplined enough to "Fly" so as to have my life and home in order.

Okay, it is late - I have to get up early - to finish work from last Friday, sigh - is there no end?

In the mean time - any who read this - be blessed in the Lord - for no matter what messes we create for ourselves - HE is good - ALL the time! uh huh!


At 12:59 AM, Blogger Linus said...

Nice to see you on here again...I now have someone coming to my house once a week. Suprising how motivating that is when 'flying!'

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Your thoughts seem so similar to my own. I thought the Lord paired opposites togther to temper and sharpen each other and we seem to have the same temperment, excuses and spirit of procrastination (it really is a demon spirit isn't it?)
Anyway, well said. Please keep it up, I miss your thoughts...

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Linus said...

Are you still there?

At 12:38 AM, Blogger Linus said...

FYI mom, It is almost december and you have exactly one post this year...


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