Life in the Spring Lane
Why is it we are always surprised when God works things out perfectly? Well, for the past several weeks I had seen a notice in the local paper about a Bob Ross style art class. It was an all day class so I would need to get a sitter for Boo (grandbaby). Of course I procrastinated, no-one came to mind, etc. So Thursday comes and still no sitter, I think, "I'll ask someone at church tonight while there working." That's fine, except I forgot. So around 10 pm, I remembered, but too late.
"Oh, well. I just won't go." Kind of disappointed. Kind of mad at myself for putting it off.
So we wake up Friday morning, my hubby looks out the window and says, "There's a green Nissan in our drive." Woo Hoo!!! My first born is home! Yes!!! Do a dance! Run through the house, searching for her! She came by on her way from Indy to Alabama and I wasn't expecting her until later that night or Saturday. But she was there and then I knew why I wasn't to go to the class. No guilt over leaving her.
We went to breakfast, ran errands, did some shopping (grocery LOL). Just spent time together.

So what else? Oh, We went to our first story hour at the library - well my first since forever! But, Boo and I went - she seemed a bit intimidated by all the kids - probably about 40 or so. They had a special storyteller there - Steven James - he did a great job with the kids. Once I figure out the picture thing on here I will post a pic. (Don't hold your breath LOL)

It is officially spring now - I changed the flowers in my door wreath. I also put a quacking duck in it. Hubby just shook his head. Now, I am not a floral designer, but it looks nice. With that and getting my flower beds weeded - just feels right!
So rejoice in the Lord