Saturday, November 15, 2008

In with the New

Someone once asked me what my favorite holiday was. Unequivically, New Years! I love the concept of new, fresh, starting over. Likewise, Monday is my favorite day of the week. I love Sundays for the refreshing in the Holy Ghost and the presence of God - but it is also so busy as to get bumped from the number one spot. So that leaves Monday, nice quiet, slow paced Monday.

So is it any surprise that anticipation is building for another "new" in our lives. We should be in our new church within about three weeks. To that end, there is all the final work to be done - cleaning.

So we have started spending some time at the new facility. Cleaning, scraping, vacuuming. It is unreal how much dust can accumulate in a space. I mopped one floor four times and it still did not look acceptable by my standards.

On the other hand, as a space is completed and it begins to shine and the furniture is set in place - all of a sudden, this is so very real.

Makes me think about this journey we are on. We have been hearing for years, "Jesus is coming back." And yes, we believe it, but it is easy to relegate it to "someday." But as we see the happenings in our world and we recognize them as fulfillment of prophecies in the Bible - it is becoming very, very real! Time to really kick in and get to work - time to clean (up our act), make sure everything is where it should be in our lives. Is everything working? Is the power on in our lives?

I watched as we polished the outside of things. We scraped the windows, washed the walls - getting everybit of dust removed that we could. The carpet layers were making sure this covering was secure - no visible seams. The tile layers made sure there was a good sealer present on the grout so moisture wouldn't get in and undermine thier work. And we cleaned. Then someone else would be in to fix something, and guess what? We had to clean again.

We need to examine our lives. Check the inside and outside. Polish, clean, seal. Make sure there is no cracks for sin to seep into our souls. Make sure we are spotless. Invariably something will come along and we will have to cleanse again. It is all part of the process.

You see one day soon we will be meeting Him. There will be an inspection and everything must be in order. I want to pass that inspection most of all.

By the way - December 7 is the projected move in date. Check out our website at

Friday, November 14, 2008

There is hope

Let me preface this by saying after I blogged today, this was in my inbox.  My,  aren’t friends helpful to the cause?  I guess we should keep all things in perspective and balance.

”Health Benefits Of Being Overweight”


A new report suggests that being overweight is not as

harmful as is commonly believed, and actually confers

some surprising benefits.


Being five to ten pounds overweight could protect

people from ailments ranging from tuberculosis to

Alzheimer's disease, research indicates.


Those carrying 15 to 25 extra pounds are better able

to recover from adverse conditions such as emphysema,

pneumonia, and various injuries and infections, states

the report.


Thirty to forty pounds of flab could help fend off

breast, kidney, pancreatic, prostate, and colon cancer.

And an extra fifty pounds on the scale may improve

eyesight, reverse baldness, cure the common cold,

and reduce global warming.


In general, the report concludes, overweight people

are happier, more successful in business, smarter,

and friendlier.


The study was funded by a research grant from

McDonald's, Burger King, Jack in the Box, Taco

Bell, Domino's Pizza, Starbucks, Haagen Dazs,

Sara Lee, and Krispy Kreme.


So my dear daughter has guilted me into updating here. But isn't that what daughters are good at? Guilting their mothers? It is an inherited thing, although I am sure I don't do that to my mother. Okay, maybe to get visits. But, it is reciprocated! Boy if that is not a lousy rationalization. Time to move on....

I guess the newest and greatest thing in my life right now is success! You see, July 29, I embarked on a new journey. I was going to get healthy. Of course, a primary focus was weight loss, but beyond that, making healthy choices.

Although I have not hit the "50" mark, it is very close and if I am not going to be totally useless in a few years - I had better do something NOW!

So, we (yes, my dear husband has joined me in this quest) are drinking water instead of other drinks. Okay, yes, coffee remains - but it is decaf now. We are eating fruits and vegetables (at least 5 a day). Limiting drastically the simple carbohydrates - especially white flour items, and being conscious of calories taken in. This is accomplished mainly through portion control and making wise choices through out the day.

The nice thing about this is it allows for treats periodically, just not a massive amount of them.

So what have I discovered on this journey?

1 - Hunger is good. Oh, not starvation hunger. But I get hungry now. I never did before. I always ate frequently enough that I can say I never felt that feeling of needing to eat. Now, when I get hungry, I know it is time to eat. And, guess what? It is usually right at meal times too - meaning enough hours have passed that this is a natural sensation.

2 - I love fish! No, not just tolerate it - not even just like it. I love it. I am selecting fish as an entre' when we go out now. Okay, my favorite is the Guiltless Grilled Salmon at Chili's, sans beans, with double broccoli. Oh, my makes me hungry just thinking of it! I now fix it regularly at home - much to the dismay of my son. So, I limit that for his sake.

3 - I love water. At first I added flavoring to it and guzzled the stuff. But I found it left a dry taste in my mouth and didn't seem to quench my thirst. The plain water now is so refreshing. My usual plan is: 2 bottles of water before work, then at least 2 - 3 more the rest of the day.

4 - It really isn't hard to make these right choices. Okay, sometimes it is, like last night with a huge pan of Sis. Emma's banana pudding at the ready! And I was dishing it up for everyone at the dinner. So, I put 2 tablespoons in a cup and left! That way, I didn't get tempted to dip in for more after I tasted it and went to heaven! ha ha.

So what has been the results? Forty-seven pounds gone thus far! Woo Hoo! I can climb a flight of stairs without getting winded. I can put on my shoes without getting short of breath! I am beginning (note that word!) to think (note that word also!) about exercise. I have actually done some strengthening activities, just not faithfully or regularly. I believe this will come.

Oh, and my man? He is now at goal! And my does he look fine! He got his old wardrobe back. All the pants I had removed from his closet to give away? Well they are back and no belly paunch. And, he is thinking along the healthy lines too. Making choices to include vegetables and fruits, also.

Okay, there is other stuff going on, but I will save it for another day. After all - if I am to meet the expectations of my daughter, I must continue with this.

Be blessed in the Lord today, and rejoice!
